Saturday, 18 February 2012

Look at me! I'm blogging!

So, after lots of time spent thinking and talking about it, I have finally gotten round to actually starting a blog!

I have quite a few reasons for taking up blogging. First off, it's a great place to organise my thoughts on anything and everything from leading news and world events to a new hairstyle! Leading on from that, its a great way of meeting other like-minded people, which is always something I'm open to. And finally, it seems fun!

I don't think there will be much organisation on my part of what I'll write about and how often I'll post, just whenever and whatever takes my fancy. So watch this space!


  1. Welcome to blogland! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :) x

  2. Welcome, as Brittany said it's really fun blogging and you do meet some great people!
